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Anton Golden Interview: Upcoming Artist

Amassing well over 1 million streams, the burgeoning career of Anton Golden seems promising. Using his past experiences to fuel his creative endeavours, Golden explains his process and ideas.

What was your first musical experience? 

My first time ever creating anything musically believe it or not was actually on a PSP game called ‘Beaterator’ when I was around 8 or 9 it was made by Timbaland, I used to play a lot of games as a kid and I’d always loved listening to music whenever I would travel anywhere, so when I found out that anyone could just make their own music, it quickly turned into an obsession.

Favourite musicians? 

It’s constantly changing but as for people who never really move off the list I’d have to say Kurt Cobain, Frank Ocean, Travis Scott & The Weeknd to name a few.

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What do you enjoy the most about being an artist, what do you dislike the most?

The best thing about being an artist definitely has to be being able to create a community and connect with fans, it’s honestly a trip that I can effect people with my music and try to be a positive impact on the world. I guess what I dislike most about being an artist is having to constantly have my guard up and watch out for fake people, it can be a drag sometimes.

What message would you tell your fans?

I’m a big believer that people have the power to do a lot more than we’re willing to admit, so don’t ever doubt yourself even if you fail because failure is just a by-product of success.

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"When I was a Kid", features some very raw emotions and themes, how has your past experiences influenced your music?


‘When I Was A Kid’ was my attempt at trying to brutally honest after I realised that those were the types of songs that I gravitated towards most once they were done, the whole story about painting my skin white actually happened, it was after being bullied at school while all the other kids went out for lunch, It sounds stupid but I thought that maybe everyone wouldn’t make fun of me anymore if I was white.

I know it’s sad but to be honest I’m grateful for every shitty thing that happened to me in the past it taught me a hell of a lot about the world and I wouldn’t be me without any of those experiences, besides there are other people out there dealing with so much it’s hard to think that I have it the worst.

Whats next for Anton Golden? 

I’m just trying to push myself without going completely insane, I’m always working on new music so expect a lot more soon and who knows maybe a couple music videos.

Follow Anton Golden on Instagram and Twitter @antongxldn 

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