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Brendon Babenzien, the previous creative director for streetwear sensation supreme, has a unique ethos, of creating a sustainable brand, whilst dropping the typical virtue signalling elements attributed to insincere branding. Noah clothing explains, whilst they are currently not sustainable their efforts are making a difference. Shipping clothing with limited packaging, a rustic, simplistic way of maintaining customer satisfaction, reducing the excess waste other brands such as Gucci continue to use.

Even during the hardships of COVID19, the message has changed to emboldening consumers to help small businesses, succeed during these trying times. It's a relief to see how even during a global pandemic, the focus on sustainability and the environment continues.


"So we’re asking people to buy something. Not necessarily from us, but from any independent businesses or creative enterprises you believe in, and preferably those that'd made positive, ethical choices in the ways they create and operate. Such independent entities need to survive this pandemic so we still have choices when the crisis is over. "


"stop buying cool" - Brendon Babenzien

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